Can you “boost your immune system” through nutrition and supplements?

Boosting your immune system through different food and supplements is a hot topic right now. Nothing is really going to prevent you from contracting a virus (unless you keep yourself completely quarantined), but there are definitely ways to keep your immune system as healthy as possible. Read on to find out our tips!
Nutritional tips
Obviously, you need to keep your nutrition on point!! Good nutrition is essential to keep your immune system strong. There are a few key macronutrients and vitamins to make sure to include in your diet for a better functioning immune system. Keep your protein intake up; protein plays a big role in healing and recovery. Lean meats, eggs, and non-fat greek yogurt are great options to get your protein in. Everyone I’m sure has heard about Vitamin C helping you stay healthy. It helps to stimulate the formation of antibodies which help attack viruses and bacteria. Citrus, kale, and peppers are all high in Vitamin C. Vitamin A and E are important as well. Vitamin A (found in carrots, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes) is especially important in enhancing immune function. It helps to promote and regulate the innate immune system and adaptive immunity. Zinc also has been found to help the immune system work properly. Zinc can be found in red meat and poultry and dairy products.
Lifestyle tips
Besides nutrition, there are a couple other ways to help keep your immune system strong. Make sure to prioritize sleep! We’ve said it before, sleep is the best supplement out there! Not getting enough sleep can lead to higher levels of stress hormones and more inflammation which in turn can make you more susceptible to viruses and infections. Read our blog about how important sleep is for weight loss as well!
You should also continue to exercise! We know many gyms are closing their doors right now, but that doesn’t mean you have to put your exercise on hold. There are plenty of ways to get a good at-home workout in. Push-ups, dips, squats, and lunges are all easy exercises to do in your own home.
Are there magic foods or supplements to keep you completely immune to getting sick? No. But there are definitely ways to keep yourself healthier and less likely to catch a virus. Reach out to us if you want more information on ways to keep yourself healthier through nutrition!
For more information, check out this article about the importance of nutrition (especially Vitamin A) on the immune system! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6162863/
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