Is it emotional eating or are you actually hungry?

We’ve all been there. Stressed to the max and have this sudden need to eat ice cream. I’m sure a lot of us are feeling that now! Emotional eating happens to all of us. Life is very uncertain now, and it’s hard to distinguish physical versus emotional hunger during stressful times. Here are some ways to help you determine if you’re experiencing emotional hunger as opposed to physical.
1. Your hunger comes on all of a sudden and you can’t wait to eat. Physical hunger grows gradually and slowly. You have a little hunger pang here, feel your stomach growl a little later, etc. You can push off physical hunger for a little bit and be fine. Emotional hunger, on the other hand, seems to come out of nowhere. All of a sudden you must eat and you must eat now!
2. You have a specific craving. Physical hunger doesn’t tell you what to eat. It just tells you that you’re hungry. But if you feel like you absolutely need some chips right now that’s emotional hunger knocking at your door.
3. If you just ate a substantial meal a half hour ago and you already are feeling hungry, that’s your friend emotional hunger again. It should be at least a few hours before you feel any physical hunger coming on.
4. Along those same lines, if you just ate a big meal and you still are not satisfied and want to eat more, that is again some emotional hunger talking to you. Your physical hunger is satisfied after a meal.
Hope these tips show you how to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger! Emotional eating is happening more than ever right now. Therefore, it’s very important to really pay attention to your hunger cues during times like these. Make sure to check in with yourself several times a day and get in touch with how you’re actually feeling. Keep staying safe and healthy everyone!
Contact us today if you have any other questions!
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